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  • On Living and Dying

    ₹250.00 Regular Price
    ₹150.00Sale Price
    • 176 Pages, Size - Demmy

      On Living and Dying is one of a series of theme books compiled from the talks, writings and dialogues of J. Krishnamurti.  Some of the other titles in the series are On God, On Relationship, On Love and Loneliness, and On Fear.

      'To understand death, you have to understand life. But life is not the continuity of thought; it is this very continuity that has bred all our misery. So can the mind bring death from the distant to the immediate? Actually, death is not somewhere far away; it is here and now. It is here when you are talking, when you are enjoying yourself, when you are listening, when you are going to the office. It is here at every minute of life, just as love is. If once you perceive this fact, then you will find that there is no fear of death at all.'