The Weekend Residential Retreat at Vasanta Vihar, KFI, Chennai

Blue background image and text for weekend page

Two-day Residential Retreats are held regularly at Vasanta Vihar — from fourth Friday till Sunday every month.

The introductory programme is at 6 p.m. on Friday, so please check in between 2:00 pm and 5.30 pm. The two-day programme consists of video-screenings of Krishnamurti’s talks and discussions, formal dialogues around a theme, informal conversations, time for study and reflection. It formally will end by lunchtime on Sunday.

Participants especially those from outstation are welcome to stay a few days more, either before or after the Retreat, if they so wish. The number of participants in the Retreats is restricted to about 25.

Kindly avoid last-minute cancellations and inform us at least 3 days in advance to enable us to accommodate others on our waiting list.


This includes accommodation, food, and study material.

Payment can be made on arrival or anytime during the course of the retreat.

Payment for staying for more days, before or after the Retreat, will be Rs. 750 per day.


Be punctual for all our programmes and meals—do not keep the kitchen staff waiting.

Use cell phones only in your rooms, and not in The Study, Retreat venues, Dining Hall, and other common areas on the campus.

Lock your room, and do not leave your passport, cash, and other valuables lying around.

Clothes such as shorts or mini-skirts outside your room are considered inappropriate at Vasanta Vihar.

Do not leave lights, water heaters, and fans on when you are not using them.

Refrain from non-vegetarian food, cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs.

Single/Double non-AC rooms with attached bath are provided. Sometime you may have to share a room with another, depending on the total number of participants.

Note: Vasanta Vihar is open throughout the year to anyone interested in exploring J. Krishnamurti’s teachings. Though retreats are held regularly, one can stay here even during other times when there are no organized programmes. Know more >> 

“Don’t you also want to go away sometimes to be quiet and take stock of things and not merely become a repetitive machine, a talker, explainer and expounder? Don’t you want to do that some time, don’t you want to be quiet, don’t you want to know more of yourself? All the same, it is good to retreat to be quiet and to take stock of everything that you have done.

And I think it is essential sometimes to go to retreat, to stop everything that you have been doing, to stop your beliefs and experiences completely, and look at them anew, not keep on repeating like machines whether you believe or do not believe. You would then let in fresh air into your minds. Wouldn’t you?” — K

Krishnamurti Foundation India
Vasanta Vihar, 124 Greenways Road, RA Puram, Chennai – 600 028
Tel: 91-44-24937803 / 24937596, Email:
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